Join us to build the only Orthodox Christian school in Michigan!
Now is the time to build - now is the time to give!

Now is the time to build - now is the time to give!
In 2016, there was a strong interest and a dream for an Orthodox School from a group of parents attending St. Vladimir Orthodox Church. Within months, other Orthodox Churches throughout Metro Detroit expressed interest and have helped build momentum towards the starting of an Orthodox School. With St. Vladimir taking the lead, we have come a long way, Glory be to God. Among other things, we have our Classical Academy curriculum planned and our building is under way!
In order to begin construction for the school, we are pulling a loan for $100,000. But due to the pandemic and associated labor charges and construction material cost increases that is not going to be enough to complete the work.
We appreciate any donation, and strongly encourage recurring giving to help us build a financial foundation for our endeavors!
This project is the BEGINNING of Orthodox Education in Michigan. Your support helps assure that we can flourish and assist future Orthodox schools as they begin their work!
If you prefer to send a check, please make payable to St. Vladimir Church, 9900 Jackson Rd., Dexter, MI 48130.
We need and thank you for your support - both MATERIAL and SPIRITUAL (please pray for us!), and may God provide you with many blessings in return!